Friday, February 13, 2015

Only for Him by Cristin Harber

I was really excited about reading this book since I am absolutely addicted to this author's Titan and Delta series. I was a bit unsure about the new adult genre, but this book spanned several years from finishing the last few months of high school to a few years down the road when life has thrown a few curveballs. Personally, I was hooked right off the bat. Both Grayson and Emma drew me into the story, but it was Grayson who completely tied up my heart. His emotions ran so deep yet no one ever saw through the image he projected. Emma was the light in his darkness, but she had no idea. She admired him from afar but never dreamed he would be interested in her. When they both fell, they fell quickly. It was easy to see that while Emma loved Grayson, she had no idea the depth of his connection to her and dependence on her. Unfortunately, Grayson made a life altering decision which altered more lives than just his own. This story is part of a novella series, so while this book had a definite end and resolution, some strings were left hanging to tie into the next book. There was definitely a surprise ending I never saw coming for Emma, but it was certainly not one of those crazy cliffhangers which leave you holding your breath and practically drop off in the middle of a sentence. I can't wait for the next book. I really need to know how Emma ended up where she did and what happens next. I'm thrilled to death that Net Galley offered a copy of this book for review and introduced me to this great new series.

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