Sunday, June 14, 2015

An Obsession With Vengeance by Nancy Haviland

Speaking of obsessions, I am completely and utterly obsessed with these books. Seriously, I just about can't function because I don't want to put the books down to sleep or drive or even eat. There really are no good stopping points. Every word is interesting. I have been dying to reads Maks's story, and it totally exceeded my expectations!  Getting an early copy of this book from Net Galley made me so happy.

As usual, Maks is darkly broodingly beautiful. He still grieves over his part in events from book two, and his terrifyingly violent and abusive childhood is mixing into his nightmares and keeping him up nights. Maks met Sydney in book two and was instantly drawn to her. He has been pursuing her with no returned interest from her. Maks uses his irreverent sense of humor and his innate sexuality to continually engage in verbal sparring matches with her. Sydney, on the other hand, is attracted to Maks (Who wouldn't be?) but has other priorities...mainly her twelve year old son Maks doesn't know about.

When a secret Sydney has been keeping blows up in her face and brings danger to her house, she has no recourse but to turn to Maks for protection. With the backing of his organization and mentor, Maks leads Sydney into a charade meant to throw her enemy off track. While the charade brings Sydney and Maks closer and successfully repels the enemy, another darker enemy is stalking Sydney, and nothing will deter him.

Maks and Sydney were great together. She and Andrew were everything he ever needed but didn't realize. Maks was just so sexy. The way he called Sydney "lover" was too hot for words. He was the perfect tortured hero, and Sydney was the one woman strong enough to stand beside him. I absolutely loved this story. It was the best one yet.

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