Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Nemesis by Stefanie Ross

According to what I've read, this is the first English translation by German author Stefanie Ross. I've read a couple of English translated books before without good results. This story, however, was wonderfully translated and easy to read. It did have a significant number of interconnected characters. I didn't love having the cast of characters at the beginning, but the further I got into the story, the more I needed it.

The basic premise of the story involves a group of Navy SEALS working covertly in conjunction with German law enforcement. When the son of one of the German officers is almost kidnapped, a plot to sell custom ordered children to deviants is revealed. Policewoman Sandra Meinke has already been looking into this situation on her own but is pulled into cooperation with the SEALS when an attempt on her life causes her to cross Daniel's path. Daniel and Sandra form a partnership in order to hunt down the kidnappers. In the process, they quickly form a more intimate type of partnership as well.

The characters in the story were really well developed and very easy to like. I would love to get more of the backstory on several of them. Both the contingency of SEALS and several German law enforcement officers act as backup and support for Daniel and Sandra. You get to know them and some of their families throughout the story.

The story kept a fast pace and maintained the suspense until the end. I enjoyed both the friendships described and especially the banter and closeness between Daniel and Sandra.

I received an ARC from Net Galley for review.

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