Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Boiling Point by Tessa Bailey

Wow! I Emmett into this book a little iffy, because I just wasn't particularly sure I would like the idea that both the main characters were "ex" criminals. I honestly only tried it because I got an ARC from Net Galley for review and because I really like the publisher's suspense titles. It took me a few pages to get into the story, but once I did, it totally took off. I absolutely fell in love with all the characters, especially Austin. He was a total alpha, but also a submissive...don't ask, I don't know how that works, but it so does! Yummmm! Now before you hear the word submissive and tune out, let me say that this is not your standard BDSM fare that is popping up in just about every romance lately and is just thrown in as a lure rather than fitting in the story. It is also not outrageously crude or excessively graphic. It is just right and one of the sexiest books I've read in a long time. The best part is that the sexiness came not just from the actual bedroom moments, but primarily from the words spoken. This couple was intense with their connection and their need, and I couldn't get enough. The peripheral characters were also nicely rounded and drew my attention enough that I went back and purchased the first two books in this series as soon as I completed this story. I'm totally frustrated that I will have to wait a few hours before I have a free moment to get into them.  Grrrrrr...Finally, don't think I forgot about the suspense. The storyline was really intriguing and the suspense surrounding their jobs was realistic as well as the relationship suspense which was very emotional. Overall, I completely loved it and want more of these spunky ladies and super intensely possessive men!

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