Friday, February 9, 2018

Survive the Night by Katie Ruggle

I've loved this series from the beginning. I adore Jules and her "school friends" and the mysterious man who rescued them and sent them each to this little snowy town. I'd like to have his story sometime. This story was about Otto and Alice/Sarah. Otto is the quiet giant of a town cop who rescues animals in his spare time. He has the patience of a master but gets tongue tied around Sarah. Sarah has barely been allowed out of her family estate, and she's running from serious danger. She knows better than to get into a relationship, but Otto is hard to resist. Otto realizes danger may come, but he doesn't care.

This book was aptly named because the night they end up facing was one crazy non-stop action movie worthy blowout! I like tons of action and a fast pace, and this story delivered!

ARC provided by Net Galley.

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