Saturday, August 9, 2014

Trapped by Beverly Long

Elle and Brody find themselves thrown together after a difficult 13 year separation by a plane crash in the middle of the Brazilian jungle. Elle realizes she was to blame for their break up years before, so she is patient with the verbal jabs Brody lobs her way. The two end up working together to help the other injured passengers and secure water and shelter. When it becomes clear that help is not coming, they end up crossing the jungle together to find help with friends Elle knows from living in the area. Unfortunately, Elle is harboring several secrets, some about the past and some dangerous ones from the present which end up interrupting their efforts to find help. Once all is revealed, Brody has to decide whether he can forgive the past and find a way to ensure they survive to find a future.

I enjoyed the book. It was an easy afternoon read, but also had good plot and likable characters. My only complaints would be that I would have liked some resolution regarding what happened to the rest of the passengers (maybe even see them all reuniting) and a bit more detail in the epilogue since it felt a little rushed to me. Overall though it was a nice read, and I would definitely read this author again.

Net Galley provided me with a copy of this book for review:-)

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