Saturday, June 25, 2016

Deadly Odds by Adrienne Giordano

I'll start by saying that I loved the cover. It Is what drew me to the book in the first place. I've never read this author before, but I will definitely be looking out for her books in the future. Personally, I found this book to be very interesting. I liked the Las Vegas setting and the behind-the-scenes look at what goes on in the casino. Granted, I didn't know a lot of the terms not being familiar with casinos, but I was easily able to figure out from the context what the characters were talking about. The characters themselves were very well rounded. Ross was a clotheshorse yet not stuck up or snobby. His sidekick, Don, was an older guy and very old-school Vegas. He was one of my favorite characters since he was so inappropriate most of the time and vastly amusing. Kate was a kick butt and take names kind of woman. She had a job to do and had every confidence that she could get it done. The sparks between she and Ross were evident from the beginning even before they knew who each other was. They made a fun and entertaining couple especially with Don always butting in. As for the suspense, a cheat is loose in Vegas skimming from the casinos. It is Kate's job to find this person and solve the problem. Ross doesn't believe his casino could possibly be targeted because he believes his defenses are too strong. When Kate finally does come up with the suspect, Ross becomes angry and believes Kate is trying to ruin his business by going behind his back. Things go downhill from there. Kate may get her suspect, but will she lose her man in the process?

The characters kept me connected throughout, and I enjoyed the storyline. I received an ARC from Net Galley for review.

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